Before I fell IN love with Agile, I fell completely OUT of love with technology projects. My career started working on very slow moving projects, that had (in my opinion) ZERO chance of success. There was an implied pecking order and everyone played their part. What I disliked the most, was the lack of innovation and progress.

Here is why I love Agile:

  • Collaboration – The great equalizer: One of the many cool things about working on an Agile project, is collaboration. Its the perfect mix of social, work and technology, that happens in a single experience. Everyone on an Agile project feels that they are part of the experience, and it can be exhilarating.
  • Speed: Nothing is more motivating than seeing a real product come to life in front of your eyes. With the right focus, its amazing to see what a group of intelligent people can achieve. I’ve seen a room full of BA’s, PM’s, Architects and UX people complete the design of an entire product in less than 2 days (the development took a bit longer)

After contributing to some major projects in the UK and Australia, my sense confidence has continued to grow. I have a sense of hope in the future.

Thats it for now, but tune in again……..